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Stav Hubsch

Body Tempering

I'm a certified Body Tempering practitioner and ISSA certified Strength & Conditioning and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. I started personal training in 2010 and have been working in fitness since then in Boston, Seattle, and Alaska. I have more then a dozen specialty certifications in fitness. I'm currently in Massage school. In all my years working in fitness I've never seen anything that than can consistently provide as much of an immediate benefit and relief for as many different types of people as Body Tempering.

I'm the first person to provide Body Tempering as a service in Colorado, Iceland, and Alaska where I started. I've helped a wide range of athletes including elite and professional strongman, powerlifters, bodybuilders, Football players, combat sport athletes, and CrossFit athletes. I've also helped many fitness enthusiasts and people in the common population from teenagers to people in their 60's looking to improve their health, mobility, and movement quality.

In Addition to Body Tempering I offer exercise suggestions and nutrition habits that supports people's health, fitness, and performance goals.

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