We’re now exactly one week into 2015. Maybe you’re the type A person who, on December 30th, had your New Year’s resolutions typed up, organized by category, and put up on the fridge. Or maybe you don’t believe in making resolutions, because you’ve failed too many times to count. Then some of you might find yourself in the middle.Whether the idea of making New Year’s Resolutions inspires or frustrates you, I think everyone can relate to some of the principles behind it. Think about 2014. It may have been a year of change, challenge, joy or pain, some of it within your control, some of it completely unrelated to anything you might have done or chosen.Now ask yourself, is there anything you want to be different about 2015? Although I am a health and exercise professional, this article may come as a breath of fresh air, because I am not going to throw catchy fitness phrases at you or admonish you to be healthier. I’m quite sure you already know that eating well and exercising more are in your best interest on so many levels. Rather, I am asking you to take a moment to reflect on what it is you really want in 2015. For just a moment, do not allow self-doubt or excuses or even logic to take up any space in this contemplation. What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?I know I promised to leave out all catchy quotes (such as “sweat is fat crying”… what? No it’s not…. I’ve always hated that one), but one almost childishly simplistic phrase has been profoundly action-inspiring. “If nothing changes nothing changes.” This seems like a no-brainer, but so many of us live as if this wasn’t true. The harsh reality is that very little in life will change without purposeful, toilsome effort. Exercise is hard. Eating well, consistently, takes a well thought-out plan. Pretending otherwise is counterproductive.Next week I will share some practical tips for sustainable change, but I wanted to start out the new year with a call to contemplation. Think about what you want out of this year, what changes it might take to become the person you long to be. Be gentle with yourself. No matter how you’ve succeeded or failed in the past, 2015 is a new year.