Autumn is here (yay!) so here are my top 10 picks for seasonal produce during this beautiful time of year. Buying seasonal (and ideally local) ensures that you’re getting the freshest fruits and veggies at the peak of ripeness!
1. Winter Squash
Nutrient-dense, fiber-rich, and filling, squash is just the best in autumn. There are so many varieties! My faves are butternut, red kuri, delicata, acorn and spaghetti. They’re easy to peel, chop, and roast for a meal or side.
2. Brussels Sprouts
Full of cancer-fighting compounds, these baby cabbages top my list for the cruciferous veg category. Brussels sprouts have cholesterol-lowering benefits while being chock full of vitamins C and K. I love roasting until caramelized and drizzling tahini over them.
3. Celery Root
Celery root, or celeriac, is a knobby ole thing but don’t let its appearance put you off. It’s delicious, versatile and brimming with vitamin K and antioxidants. It’s also an aphrodesiac – yew! Celery root is great mashed and in soups, stews, and casseroles.
4. Kohlrabi
Low in cals, high in antioxidants, fiber, potassium and iron, kohlrabi is not a veggie which should be overlooked. It’s hard to explain the taste of kohlrabi, but I guess I would liken it to a mild radish. Great shredded into salad or roasted.
5. Parsnip
Not sure what a parsnip looks like? Look for “white” carrots. They are packed full of nutrients, including fiber, folate, potassium and vitamin C. You can make parsnip mash by cooking them until soft and then mashing with coconut milk and salt. They’re also delicious cut into rounds and roasted.
6. Sweet Potato
Everyone’s favorite tuber is rich in beta-carotene which gives your skin and eyes a healthy glow. They are high in potassium which can help regulate muscle cramps and headaches. Another good one to mash! Try mashing SPs with coconut oil and cinnamon to make a satisfying snack to curb sugar cravings.
7. Turnips
Turnips are kind of a daggy vegetable. Not many people get super excited about turnips, but they’re actually quite delicious and a great addition to any Fall meal. They are part of the cruciferous fam so they’ve got all the anti-cancer awesomeness of their cousins (kale, broccoli, etc.). I throw chopped turnips in soups and stews, hide them in casseroles, or roast them with carrots and onions.
8. Apple
Fall and apples are basically synonymous in my mind. Apples are great for maintaining a healthy heart as they’re super high in polyphenols. They contain fiber and pectin which helps escort toxins and other waste out of your body!
9. Persimmon
A.k.a. the “Food of the Gods” in Latin, persimmons are one of a few foods associated with killing breast cancer cells without harming normal breast cells. Full of healthy vitamin A and C, eat these bad boys when they are ripe and sweet like a tomato.
10. Pomegranate
Poms are a yummy and beautiful superfood. High in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, they are excellent for heart health and joint health. They’re a great flavor addition to winter salads, or just pop ’em on their own!